Friday, March 11, 2016

Response 10: Persuasion

      The film, "Exit Through The Gift Shop", directed by famed street artist Banksy, was in my opinion, a good film. Though there were only a couple of instances in which he used pathos, a technique that appeals to a lot of teenagers, and used a lot more of the other techniques, I still enjoyed the movie. I enjoy all forms of rhetoric appeals, so this movie was good. Its explanation of the process of street artists caught me good, and its story was an interesting story.
       I believe that street art is not vandalism, in certain cases. If the art does not make a big impact on the viewer, does not move the viewer in any way, is unoriginal, it is vandalism. Say, a lazy drawing of a face on a wall. That is vandalism. Art is a very broad term, and I believe that vandalism is still art, though art that is not good. Street art, like Banksy, is good art.

Response 13: Argument

      Hate-monger and outspoken racist Donald Trump. Many people, including me, are against the actions and the intentions of this monster. But, there are some people that have gotten as far as seriously considering leaving the country if he becomes commander in chief. I believe that they should not leave because there are better ways to protest Trump.
      One important way one can protest Trump's actions is to, well, protest. Leaving the situation will not get anything done, it'll make things worse. Instead of being indifferent about the situation, one can help bring down the situation. Fight Trump directly (though not literally) and make him not do what he wants.
      Another way to protest Trump is to perform civil disobedience, that is, disobeying Trump's demands. This form of protest has worked in many situations, including Rosa Parks' bus incident, the following boycotts, etc.. Boycotting Trump can make him frustrated and give up.
      One more way one can defeat Trump is to expose him. Inform other people about his actions, inform the world. Make the world aware of him. This way, people from other countries can help us in the fight against Trump.
      Trump can and will be defeated. The ways that we can defeat include directly going against him, civil disobedience, and exposing him. These forms of protest can be applied to different things, and if another dictator-like candidate wants to rule, these ways can be used again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Response 12: Argument

 I'm a "murderer". I'm a "rapist". Apparently these are things that I am, according to people outside of Lincoln High School. These things are not what I actually am, though. What they say are only generalizations of our school and its students based on bad things that rarely ever happen. I am a 4.00 GPA student, and I recently won four prizes from an engineering competition. In light of the recent incident at Lincoln, us Lincoln students want to say that that's not what we are; of course we make some mistakes, but those mistakes should not be glorified for them. 

To prevent the glorification of the bad things that happen at Lincoln High School, we should do several important things. One crucial thing, perhaps the most important thing, we have to do is spread the word of positive things happening at our school to the point where they outshine the bad. This way, people outside of Lincoln can accept our failures, and accept the idea that everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their failures. If we can continue this streak of positivity, we can make the bad reputation a thing of the past. 

I understand that we do make mistakes, some bad and some okay, but we should not be generalized because of them. We are not all rapists. We are not all murderers. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Response 11: Argument

       Sojourner Truth, using what she says, proves that she is a woman. In my eyes all these are all things that Truth says, are things women are able to do. Women embody a different spirit than men do, women embody a better spirit. Women are pivotal in society. Sojourner Truth embodies just that and proves that by saying "I have borne thirteen chilern," something men cannot do. Women also have pride, and this is evidenced by "dese women togedder ought to be able to turn it back," meaning women have the courage, women have the ability.