Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Response 12: Argument

 I'm a "murderer". I'm a "rapist". Apparently these are things that I am, according to people outside of Lincoln High School. These things are not what I actually am, though. What they say are only generalizations of our school and its students based on bad things that rarely ever happen. I am a 4.00 GPA student, and I recently won four prizes from an engineering competition. In light of the recent incident at Lincoln, us Lincoln students want to say that that's not what we are; of course we make some mistakes, but those mistakes should not be glorified for them. 

To prevent the glorification of the bad things that happen at Lincoln High School, we should do several important things. One crucial thing, perhaps the most important thing, we have to do is spread the word of positive things happening at our school to the point where they outshine the bad. This way, people outside of Lincoln can accept our failures, and accept the idea that everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their failures. If we can continue this streak of positivity, we can make the bad reputation a thing of the past. 

I understand that we do make mistakes, some bad and some okay, but we should not be generalized because of them. We are not all rapists. We are not all murderers. 

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